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TradingView: “TradingView Alert Message Format issue”

This error occurs when the Alert Message in TradingView is not aligned with the template required by your broker. You can see Template on the instruction page for your broker. e.g. template for Binance:

You can check what your strategy is sending from TradingView in the Alert in AlertLog on TradingView:

You can use Message Generator for your Broker to Generate the TradingView message based on your parameters. E.g for Binance:

“Message” in the Alert should look like this (Example for Binance)

      "binance_api_key": "PUT YOUR BINANCE API KEY HERE",
      "binance_secret": "PUT YOUR BINANCE SECRER HERE",
      "real_order":"Yes / No",
      "order_market":"Spot / Margin / Futures",
      "order_type":"Market / Limit",
      "isolated_margin": "Yes / No",
      "exchange": "{{exchange}}",
      "ticker": "{{ticker}}",
      "time": "{{timenow}}",
      "order_contracts": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}",
      "order_action": "{{strategy.order.action}}",
      "order_price": "{{strategy.order.price}}"

If you did not manage to resolve this issue, please contact our Support team via Telegram Chat or Email: