Frequently Asked Questions


1. Binance: “Order’s position side does not match user’s setting.” Read
2. Binance: “Order’s notional must be no smaller than 5” Read
3. Binance: “Filter failure: NOTIONAL” Read
4. Binance: “Filter failure: LOT_SIZE” Read
5. Binance: “Margin is insufficient.” Read
6. Binance: “Precision is over the maximum defined for this asset.” Read
7. Binance: “Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.” Read
8. Binance. “internal error” Read
9. Binance: “Invalid symbol.” Read


1. ByBit – “position idx not match position mode” Read


1. How to Switch Bitget Position Mode to Hedge Mode? Read


1. How to configure leverage and use 100% of account balance Read
2. How to set Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Levels using TradeAdapter Read
3. TradingView Email Alert Setup Read
4. How to connect TradingView with Broker using TraderAdapter “Email Alert” Read
5. TradingView: “TradingView Alert Message Format issue” Read


1. How to align TradingView and MetaTrader symbol to trade Read

Other Topics:

1. – Troubleshooting Guide Read