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Metatrader 5 Setup - Step by Step
STEP 1. Dowload TradeAdpater Expert Advisor for MT5
TradeAdpater for MT5 (v1.068)
Change Log
v1.055 - Added option to listen custom Symbol from TradingView different the one from the Symbol on MT5 Price Chart. Also you can disable Expert Advisor log.
v1.0551 - Minor change. Removed auto-replacement of extra characters in incomming Symbol from TradingView. Please use following options to align Symbol between TradingView and MetaTrader.
v1.0552 - Bug fix for Symbol alignment between TradingView and MetaTrader.
v1.061 - Improve positions management. Enabled SL/TP. Enabled synchronisation with TradingView on market position.
v1.062 Added Support of multiple strateges on the same Symbol.
v1.063 Minor bug fixes for improved logging.
v1.064 Bug fix for incorrect TP and SL calculation for some Symbols.
v1.065 BETA Better management of different order sizes and Additional field to configure order size in EA settings.
v1.066 BETA Added support of Partial position closure.
v1.067 Stable and Tested release.
v1.068 BETA Added Volume Adjustemtn setting in Exert Advisor settings.
v1.055 - Added option to listen custom Symbol from TradingView different the one from the Symbol on MT5 Price Chart. Also you can disable Expert Advisor log.
v1.0551 - Minor change. Removed auto-replacement of extra characters in incomming Symbol from TradingView. Please use following options to align Symbol between TradingView and MetaTrader.
v1.0552 - Bug fix for Symbol alignment between TradingView and MetaTrader.
v1.061 - Improve positions management. Enabled SL/TP. Enabled synchronisation with TradingView on market position.
v1.062 Added Support of multiple strateges on the same Symbol.
v1.063 Minor bug fixes for improved logging.
v1.064 Bug fix for incorrect TP and SL calculation for some Symbols.
v1.065 BETA Better management of different order sizes and Additional field to configure order size in EA settings.
v1.066 BETA Added support of Partial position closure.
v1.067 Stable and Tested release.
v1.068 BETA Added Volume Adjustemtn setting in Exert Advisor settings.
STEP 2. Copy TradeAdapter EA into your MT5 terminal
For Windows
C:/Program Files (x86)/MetaTrader 5/MQL5/Experts
For Mac
/Users/Your user/Library/Application Support/ Files/MetaTrader 5/MQL5/Experts
You can use open directlry from MT5. Just opened Data Folder, open MQL5 -> Experts. This is the folder in which you need to copy your EA files.
After your copy all the files into related folders, restart your MT4 terminal or open “Navigator” in your MetaTrader 4, right-click on “Expert Advisors” point of menu and click “Refresh”.
STEP 3. Configure ExpertAdvisor settings
In the upper navigation menu click “Tools” -> select Options
- “Allow automated trading” is enabled
- "Allow WebRequests for listed URL"
- Add "" in to allowed URLs
In the opened window open “Expert Advisors” tab and check if:
STEP 4. Enable Auto Trading
STEP 4. Attach TradeAdapter EA to the Chart
Open Navigator by pressing “Ctrl+N” → Right click on “Expert Advisors” → Click “Refresh”.
Please Drag and Drop Expert Advisor to the Price Chart you want to automate.
Expert Advisor should appear on the top-right corner of the price chart.
STEP 5. Input TradeAdapter API
When you attache TradeAdapter EA to the chart the EA setting page will be opened.
Please enter TradeAdapter API key into the corresponding field.
Your TradeAdapter API key you can find in the My Profile page
After attaching and configuring TradeAdapter API key you should be able to send trades from TradingView to your MT4.
To controll the execution status you can in the MyTrades Page for MetaTrader
If you need to align TradingView symbol witht the Symbol you want to trade on MetaTrader, please use following instructions: