Connect TradingView to OANDA Broker

1) Upload your Trading Strategy to the TradginView and Add it to the Chart

2) Go to the "Strategy Tester" and press to Alarm icon

3) In the "Setting" page paste TradeAdapter "Message" and update parameters
  • Your TradeAdapter KEY
  • OANDA User ID
  • OANDA Token

  • TradeAdapter "Message":
          "tradeadapter_key": "PUT YOUR TRADEADAPTER KEY HERE",
          "oanda_user_id": "PUT YOUR OANDA USD ID KEY HERE",
          "oanda_api_token": "PUT YOUR OANDA API TOKEN HERE",
          "time": "{{timenow}}",
          "exchange": "{{exchange}}",
          "ticker": "{{ticker}}",
          "position_size": "{{strategy.position_size}}",
          "order_action": "{{strategy.order.action}}",
          "order_contracts": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}",
          "order_price": "{{strategy.order.price}}",
          "order_id": "{{}}",
          "market_position": "{{strategy.market_position}}",
          "market_position_size": "{{strategy.market_position_size}}",
          "prev_market_position": "{{strategy.prev_market_position}}",
          "prev_market_position_size": "{{strategy.prev_market_position_size}}"
    Your TradeAdapter KEY you need to get from your Profile Page:

    OANDA User ID and OANDA API Token you had to get on the previous step /oanda_create_account

    Your Alarm Settings "Message" should look like this now:

    4) Go to "Notifications" alarm tab-page and update Webhook URL

    for Demo account
    for Real account


    Back Create Account Step